UIA’s President, Miguel Acevedo, and Executive Director, Diego Coatz, toured the company’s Technological Development Center, where it carries out various local and international projects.
(Mendoza, March 06th 2020) In the framework of the traditional Fiesta Nacional de la Vendimia that is celebrated in Mendoza during the weekend, and brings together businessmen and government officials, the president of the Argentine Industrial Union, Miguel Acevedo, and the Executive Director of the entity, Diego Coatz, accompanied by Mauricio Badaloni and Julio Totero from the Industrial Union of Mendoza, visited the facilities of the Argentine technology company IMPSA with the aim of learning about the work they do there.
At IMPSA, leader in the international power generation market, the UIA and UIM teams were able to visit its Technological Development Center of world excellence and learn about the production processes of the first Argentine nuclear reactor for power generation, from hydroelectric turbines for Yacyretá and for export and wind turbines for La Rioja.
750 people work at IMPSA, who develop power generation equipment for more than 40 countries.
“Companies like IMPSA are key to building the Argentine technological industrial framework”, said Miguel Acevedo, President of the UIA.