(Buenos Aires – Mendoza, June 30th, 2020). With strict security protocols due to the Coronavirus pandemic, IMPSA, a world leader in equipment for power generation, together with its partner CIE, continues with its work plan to the repowering of the Yacyretá Binational Hydroelectric Dam.
It is the second of the 20 turbines of the Plant that must be changed in the middle of its useful life due to problems with the original design. For this, IMPSA is working on the design and manufacture of the first 6, in its Technological Development Center located in the province of Mendoza.
“The turbine was designed with the latest technology and artificial intelligence programs developed by IMPSA engineers. This has enabled more efficient machines that generate more energy for the same amount of water and are cheaper than those of its European competitors” said Juan Carlos Fernández, CEO of the company.
X-ray of an IMPSA turbine for Yacyretá:
- Power: 155 MW.
- Generates renewable energy that contributes to the development of the countries.
- 100% Argentine work and manufacturing and assembly on site in conjunction with CIE of Paraguay.
- In Mendoza worked 50 engineers, 100 technicians and 250 operators.
- Demanded about 80,000 hours/man, working in hydraulic design, model testing, engineering, purchasing, manufacturing, management, assembly supervision and commissioning.
- Kaplan impeller dimensions: 5.5 meters high, 9.5 meters in diameter and weighing 250 tons.